reclining tiger facing left  Parent/Student/Staff Portal Information reclining tiger facing right 


The Parent/Student Portal for Infinite Campus has been changed so the times shown are in Mountain Time

Please follow these instructions:

Delete your shortcuts, alias, bookmarks that you have used to connect.
Type this URL into your address bar or box: and click Enter or Return; or just click the blue link here.
Your page should look like this:
 Login Link
Click the Login link and you should see:
Login Page
Fill in McIntosh for District Name and choose South Dakota for the State, click Search and you should see:
Search Result
Click the Button that's right for you, then on the next Page, Bookmark, or create a shortcut or alias. Then fill in your Username and Password and the Portal should open for you.

If you continue to have problems, you may need to delete the browser cache, quit the browser, then reopen and follow the instructions again.

Visit the following page to find instructions for clearing your browser cache on a computer:

If you are on a phone or tablet, Search your Help system and follow those directions.

   Tiger Home Page   

Last Updated: Tuesday, August 14, 2018 01:26 PM

McIntosh School District prohibits discrimination in employment, and in all its  programs and activities, based on race, color, sex, gender identity, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, marital and familial or parental status. There is “Zero” tolerance with immediate disciplinary action.

Full USDA Non-Discrimination Statement